milk, carton, blue

Where do Vegans get calcium?

“Where do Vegans Get Calcium ?”

One of the biggest arguments in the meat eater v vegan debate is where do vegans get calcium. The argument is that if you don´t eat meat and dairy then how can you get calcium? Contrary to what the majority believe and to what the dairy industry in particular leads us to believe it is really quite easy.

The ironic thing about this argument is that the calcium sources that meat eaters focus on consuming actually have a negative impact on their health not the positive impact marketing wants you to believe. According to the marketing your calcium should come from dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurts. However the truth is that dairy products such as these are highly acidic and instead of strengthening your bones, as the food and dairy industry proclaim, the truth is that they actually leech calcium from our bones. What animals have the biggest bones and are the strongest? Elephants and gorillas would be among this group. What do they eat? Where do they get their calcium? Plant based sources like leaves. So where do you vegans get calcium ? Starting to make sense?

From what you have been told for decades it may be shocking to hear that dairy products actually contribute to bone disease not prevent it!! The truth about calcium is that we all should be consuming plant based sources whether vegan or meat eater. Plant based sources are alkaline based and we all need to aim to ingest alkaline food for the mostpart each day. So what are plant based calcium sources? Green leafy vegetable such as kale, spinach and broccoli as well as sesame seeds and almondas are great sources of calcium. These are only a few of many plant based calcium sources.

When one adopts a plant based lifestyle it is crucial to ensure that one consumes a nutritionally balanced food plan. This is crucial as one of your reasons for adopting this new lifestyle should be to achieve optimal health and calcium plays a big role in this. So make sure to consume a variety of calcium rich vegetables to ensure this. Now sources such as spinach or kale are not everyone´s favourite food and some just won´t touch them. I recommend that everyone consumes 1 to 3 green smoothies per day as this is great way to consume alot of great nutrients including calcium. I put kale and spinach in all of my smoothies.

So focus on consuming plant based calcium sources such as kale, spinach, broccoli and others mentioned and you will have no worries about a calcium deficiency.