In determining how successful you’re being who do you compare yourself to? Society has created lots of bars that we feel we must strive to reach in all areas of life and each goal we set. However you must release yourself from this. Look in the mirror. That’s your competition. Comparison is the thief of joy. The only person you should compete against is you. Your job is to become the best you that you can be. Your life experience will be what you make it. Every day aim to be better. Aim to grow. Aim to develop. Learn valuable lessons from the previous days experiences. It’s your choice whether you become the best version of yourself or not. You can’t control others so why focus on competing against them? Why use them as the bar you aim to reach? Set your own bar. It could be much higher or lower than theirs but who cares : it’s your bar. Look in the mirror. Eyeball your competition. Then get to work.