What do you feed your mind every day? Do you consume tv? Radio? Podcasts? Newspapers? Audiobooks? Who do you listen to? Who’s opinions, thoughts and energy do you consume? What and who you let into your mind impacts your decisions, actions and behaviours. The most important piece of advice I will ever give you is to surround yourself with likeminded supportive people and to only consume uplifting, inspiring and educational mindfeed. Your emotional state is impacted by both and your feelings determine your actions and reactions. Most people need to eliminate or at least limit exposure to most in their current circle. You are better to live as a lone wolf than to regularly expose yourself to negative closed minded people. Stopping watching tv about 15 years ago was one of the most positively impactful actions I’ve taken in life. I now control what my mind consumes. I feed it what it needs. I expose it only to people who serve to enrich my mind. Will you do what’s best for your mind?