In the next of Dave Sheahan’s Go Vegan Grow Vlogs he addresses the issue of whether it is ok being a junk food vegan consuming mainly plant based processed foods such as plant based burgers and non dairy cheese and fake meats. Is this still a healthy vegan lifestyle? T Colin Campbell always distances himself from the word vegan as so many vegans are in reality junk food vegans which is not a healthy vegan lifestyle. So it is not recommended.
However as Dave Sheahan shares in this video he believes there is a place for processed vegan foods for those transitioning to a whole food plant based diet. The vegan diet should be mainly made up of wholefoods like fruits, vegetables, salad, berries, nuts, seeds and grains but it is difficult to make such a dramatic change from burgers, cheese and animal based junk food. So as Dave sheahan says use some processed vegan foods as part of your new vegan diet when transitioning but gradually over time move to a whole food plant based diet predominantly.