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If you can see it you can be it

What is impossible to you? What dreams have you killed whether you lacked belief or listened to others telling you that you were crazy? Do you have regrets about such things? If you can see it you can be it.Dreams are there to be made reality but you must believe in you and your vision to give it any chance. If someone else is already living your dream then it’s possible : they are human just like you. Of course certain dreams require key ingredient of talent but being the hardest worker often gets you there. You may want to be something that you’ve no example of. Everything must start somewhere or with one individual. Impossible is only in the mind. Self belief is a key factor in what you experience in life. If you can truly see it in your mind and believe and consistently act with conviction then you can be it. Most aren’t willing to put the work in. Most don’t believe in themselves. Most listen to others too much. How about you?