In this episode of The MindBodyHealth Podcast I ask you the question : what positive impact are you making on the world? You might wonder how could little old you make a positive impact on the world. You can. We all can. So don´t downplay the impact you can have. Yes you are very insignificant on one hand as one of 7 billion people and a dot on the planet. But this also is why you can have such a big impact as one person can end up impacting many by the domino effect that is positive impact. I hope what I share on this podcast makes sense and gives you a totally different perception on yourself and your impact. Not everyone has to aim to make sure an impact they are remembered in history but everyone can positively impact those in their immediate circle and they in turn can as a result of your influence impact theirs and then it can become an unstoppable snowball. You might think I´m crazy or you might really get what I´m saying. I just felt compelled to get this message out there on this week´s episode.