In this episode of The MindBodyHealth Podcast I ask you the important question “Why Are You So Allergic To Taking Personal Responsibility For Your Health And Wellbeing? Why? Seriously I want to know. We seem to live in a world consumed with excuses and happily playing the blame game for all aspects of their lives in particularly one´s health and wellbeing . 2020 has highlighted this alarmingly with majority people consumed with fear yet STILL not acting on improving their health and wellbeing. It´s time for people to take ownership of their health and lives. It´s time to stop hiding behind invalid excuses and time to stop playing the blame game. It´s time to look honestly and opening into the mirror and take responsbility for where your life has been, is now and where it is going. You control your choices and decisions. You do. Noone else. You control the level of health and wellbeing you experience. You control the quality of the life experience you have. It´s time to take personal responsibility. I hope this podcast stimulates you to do so. Otherwise you have noone else to blame but yourself if your life experience is not what you want it to be and particularly if you experience poor health and wellbeing. I´m very direct and straight talking in this podcast. It´s needed.