In this episode of The MindBodyHealth Podcast I share my belief that we have become an excuse consumed society. There is always someone else to blame for everything going on in one´s life. I speak about why being part of an excuse consumed society prevents happiness. Happiness can only be experienced when you take personal responsibility for your life and all aspects of it. It is time for you to stop making excuses for your relationships, health, body shape, job/business/career, finances, lack of fulfilment and happiness etc. Its a choice and it always has been and it always will be. Your mindset and your decisions and actions determine what your life experience is like. YOU control your destiny. You design and create your life. I always drill into people that the only fear to have in life is regret. That´s the only one. So it´s time for you to stop making excuses and to go out there and get what you want out of life. Start taking personal responsibility and start making decisions and taking consistent actions that serve the purpose of creating the life experience you desire.