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Learning To Allow Others Impact Your Mood And Energy Is A Crucial Skill To Work On Daily

How many times have the words and/or actions of others negatively impacted your emotional state? Quite often yes? Don’t worry this is normal but you can and need to change this. Learning to not let others impact your mood and energy is a crucial skill to work on daily. The biggest challenge is that we are emotional beings and we are reactive in nature. So you’ve an immediate impulse you need to counteract. It’s far from easy. However this is why I say it’s a daily practice because you need to work on it daily as every day you’ll encounter numerous such situations. Each time you’ve to counteract the immediate impulse and level your emotional state. It’s a practice that needs to become normal. When you allow others control your mood and energy it’s truly crippling. Believe me I know. This is an area I’ve had to work so hard on for years and still need to. With practice you get better. You need to remind yourself that it’s your day being impacted not theirs so why allow it? 99.99% of the time they’re oblivious to or uncaring towards the impact of their words and/or actions on you.