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The “Risk” Is In Not Taking That “Risk” As It Ensures You Remain In Unhappy Place You’re At

As you go through life you will encounter many situations where you’ll have the opportunity to take a scary step towards a goal or improving your life. There will be occasions your gut will scream do it but your head will fight back. The “risk” is in not taking that “risk” as it ensures you remain in unhappy place you’re at. The reason you’ve goals is that you want more and better from life than you’re currently experiencing – correct? The reason you might be contemplating making big changes in aspects of your life is that you’re currently unhappy and unfulfilled – correct ? Happiness is all that matters in life but the majority of people let fear of the “risk” stop them from action and instead remain in familiar “safe” unhappy place. It’s ironic how the “risk” is always what’s focused on instead of the likely pleasure that awaits with the action. It’s ironic that the true risk is staying where you are. Do you want to be happy or not? Take that damn “risk”! Take that jump!! Don’t let fear ever stop you. What’s the worst that could happen? Live in fear of regret. That’s the biggest “risk” in a life not lived!