Every day it likely feels like your to do list grows ever longer. You often feel overwhelmed. You also know you need to prioritise you more in your day. You need to be better at routines. Look on each day as a jigsaw prioritising the key pieces to complete it. Your daily jigsaw could include morning and evening routines, meditation, stretching, reading, new skill development, healthy nutrition, adequate quality sleep, exercise, reflection and planning as well as completing key items identified on your to do list. It’s your jigsaw to complete by the time you go to sleep. Prioritising and productivity are key skills one must look to develop daily in order to get the most out of life. Without them you won’t move far or fast. Start looking at your day as a 24 hour jigsaw and you want to maximise it both in serving your wellbeing and in moving forward towards your goals and desired life experience.