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That Which We Fear Is Often The Growth Opportunity We Need To Embrace

There are many times in life we face challenges or situations that we endlessly deliberate on, often concluding in taking the “safe” option and staying where we are. However that which we fear is often the growth opportunity we need to embrace. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real and you need to remind yourself of this every time you face a situation that’s filling you with fear, apprehension and hesitation. Rarely will anything be as bad as we expected. Often the “what if” won’t be experienced. Unless there’s a major glaringly obvious red flag I always recommend you feel the fear and do it anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? Life is for living fully and time is your most precious valuable resource. It keeps ticking by. Don’t accept mediocrity or unhappiness just because you’re in safe/familiar zone. Think of what could lie ahead. Focus on positive outcomes. Think of the growth and that includes in breaking free of a negative situation. Any step forward can always be reversed. Fear only regret. Step into fear today and always.