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Your Destiny is To Achieve Great Things But Is Only Possible With Consistent Action

Throughout history many have accomplished extraordinary things. Many have lived their dreams. Many remain alive long after death as a result of their achievements. Your destiny is to achieve great things but is only possible with consistent action.

Who do you admire? Who do you look up to? Who inspires you? Who do you even place on a pedestal? We live in a world where the few are placed on pedestals like gods by the many. However they are just flesh and bones like you. They were once in exactly the same position as you. Your potential is unlimited just as it was for them.

You can live your dreams in reality. You can make a positive impact on the world. You can even be long remembered after you’ve passed. You can leave a legacy. But it won’t happen without consistent action. It won’t happen without desire. Or resilience. Or without a willingness to go through walls. Most of all it won’t happen without belief in your vision. Whatever you want to achieve go out there and do it. The power is in your hands.