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There Is One Main Deciding Factor Between Success And Failure : YOU!!

I’m going to get straight to the point. There is one main deciding factor between success and failure : YOU! YOU and only YOU are responsible for how your life is right now whether it’s how you imagined and desired or not even close. The same applies to your future. You hold the pen every day.

It’s time for a reality check and a wake up call. Most people (hopefully not you but odds are that you do) go through life making excuses and playing the blame game and poor me. They begrudge those who are successful in whatever way they perceive success. The main difference between successful people and everyone else is action taking and this depends on YOU.

Life is a rollercoaster and life sure is challenging and relentlessly so at times. However it is what it is and you must accept responsibility for your reactions and decisions and resulting action/inaction(which is an action).

Stop the blame game. Take responsibility for your actions. Take ownership of your life. Do you want to look back on your life as a success or failure? Only YOU decide this!!