Whose fault is it that you’re out of shape? Poor energy? Poor sleep? Bad eating habits? Experiencing poor health and illness? Whose fault is it that your finances are shit or you’re in a job you hate? Whose fault is it that you’ve so many dreams that are still dreams? Whose fault you’re in an unhappy relationship? Until you start taking personal responsibility for all your happiness will be crippled by “it’s their fault”.
You hold the pen in your life. Not anyone else. So when shit happens identify your role in it becoming reality. You always have one. Yes there’s lots you can’t control that can impact you and your life BUT you control your reaction to it. If you want happiness it’s time to look in the mirror and eyeball yourself and speak with total honesty.
Taking personal responsibility for all areas of your life is true freedom. You’re no longer chained by excuses, blame mode, bitching, moaning and complaining. Instead you consistently learn valuable lessons from life experiences and grow as an individual and make things happen. You control your happiness. Try it