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Don’t Focus On “Fitting In” In This World. Let The World Fit In To Your World If It Wants

Do you sometimes feel like an outsider? Feel like you “can’t” be yourself? Feel like you’re different in a negative way? Don’t focus on “fitting in” in this world. Let the world fit into your world if it wants.

We live in a world where you are constantly bombarded with a standard that’s supposedly “normal” and “acceptable”. Increasingly, and scarily among kids, we are seeing conformity to this standard even in how people dress, look and behave. This is so clear on a night out. We also see this “normal/acceptable” conformity relating to jobs, lifestyle and material things. Fuck all of that. How about who you are? What you want in YOUR life and what will bring you happiness?

You are a unique special individual. Embrace that. Always be you. Be 100% authentic all the time. It’s not your job to become an actor/actress in life and compromise the true you to “fit in”. If anyone doesn’t like you fuck them. That’s their stuff. You be you. Dress how you want. Live the lifestyle you want. Freely and openly say what you want – once doesn’t hurt others unnecessarily. Let the world fit into you not the other way round. Be authentically you always. Otherwise you’re being disloyal to who you really are. Why would you do this to your soul?