How much of your life have you spent wishing it was easier? That things didn’t go wrong ? That it was easier to achieve your goals and create your life vision? Life was never easy. Life offers an opportunity for ongoing growth.
The world has become very soft. Increasingly a sense of entitlement to an easy path in life has become evident. Where has this come from? How can this have come about? The facts are clearly evident in history that anything worth achieving is challenging and NOONE experiences an easy path in the journey to success and happiness.
Without challenge there can be no growth. Without heartache and disappointment there can be no lessons learned. Life is the ultimate university and once open to it teaches you valuable lessons every day. Every day you’ve the opportunity to evolve into a better version of yourself. Your mindset will decide if you seize this precious opportunity or not. Accept that life was never meant to be easy and embrace the growth opportunity that it truly is.