shopping, spending, till slip

Is Vegan lifestyle expensive?

“I have recently become a vegan and moving towards fruitarianism but I am struggling as I am finding it very expensive buying fruits and some vegetables. Do you have any tips for shopping and eating vegan on a budget?”

To start answering this question I want to say that shopping on a budget and knowing how to shop smarter applies to everyone who sees this video whether meat eater, vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist. I see so many people shopping without any strategy or plan and I then see so many proclaiming that eating vegan on a budget is impossible. This is so not true.

With regard to fruits and vegetables the best of course is buying organic produce but this is not always possible for sourcing or financial reasons. Don´t feel you have to buy organic. It may be best but best is not always possible so shop in your budget. You could grow your own which is great option but requires time from yourself. The convenient option is buying so check supermarkets and fruit/veg shops for discounted produce as often food that is at it´s peak for consumption is regarded as going off and is heavily discounted – e.g bananas should be eaten when have many black spots but most suppliers discount them and attempt to shift them fast if even get a couple of spots. So keep your eye out for many bargains like this and your ability to purchase fruit and vegetables even organic will increase alot.

Focus on consuming wholefood vs vegan processed food. Vegan processed foods and fake meats are convenient sometimes but don´t rely on it as not only is it not good for your health but also it is expensive. Make your own burgers and chillis, currys, stirfrys, lasagnas etc with lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans and other legumes and combine with pasta, rice, couscous or potatoes. None of this is expensive. Limit the processed food you usually purchase and you will save alot. Cut down on vegan junk food like cakes, sweets, biscuits, desserts and you will save alot of money. Treat yourself once or twice a week and stick to wholefood plant based meals the rest of the week.