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Nobody Can Go Full Throttle All The Time. It’s Ok To Go 2nd Gear Or Take A Timeout

Do you often take 100% timeout from work and life and escape completely from them and recharge? Nobody can go full throttle all the time. It’s ok to go 2nd gear or take a timeout.

The modern world is highly stressful , demanding and reactive IF you allow it to be. Too many always feel they are never doing enough or being enough. Too many feel they “don’t have time” for recreation or fun or just pressing stop. There’s always something that NEEDS to be done. Humans are not robots so this full throttle mode is impossible to maintain.

I believe that when you are “On” be on and be full throttle whatever that is for you. However it’s equally, if not even more, important to slow down or even stop at times. Just like sleep is critical to cell regeneration for health and wellbeing so is slowing down and even stopping for a period to your productivity and success. Tune into what you need and press the on/off/slower buttons as required.