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If you don’t know where you are going then you’ll spend your life wandering aimlessly going nowhere. How can you reach a destination if you don’t know where it is and haven’t identified the required action steps to make it reality? Have you clearly defined your life vision?

Most people spend their whole lives striving for more and better but most actually haven’t even stopped to think about what it is exactly that they want to experience. Most people live lives so fast paced they just keep going without ever pressing stop and reflecting on where they are and where they actually want to go. How can one get there then?

What is your life vision? You must be clear on this. Now it will likely change over time as priorities may change but you have to have an initial vision. How do you want your life to look? What does it include? Who is in it? What are you doing? Experiencing? What do you have? Who are you? Stop your life ASAP and clearly define this vision and then focus daily on moving towards it via action. Don’t waste this precious opportunity you have to create your life vision with pen in hand.