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You Are Brilliant BUT You Must Believe It

You have unlimited potential. Anything is possible for you. You can be, do and have anything you put your focus on. You can live your life vision as your reality. You are brilliant BUT you must believe it.

The power that we all have to live the lives we want is incredible and exciting. However sadly the vast majority don’t live such lives and lacking self belief is a huge part of this. Most spend their lives idolising individuals and putting them on pedestals but these are flesh and bones just like you. They just believed in themselves and did all that was required. You have the same power.

We live in a very negative world where there’s more energy put into tearing people down versus building them up. This starts at school where ones strengths are never focused on and instead what not good at is focused on. We are all different and different skills. We can all be great and successful. You are brilliant. Start believing it. Start acting on it. Your mind is the control tower.