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Always give credit where due especially to yourself

When you see someone doing something well do you say anything to them? How about when you’ve a positive experience with a business/individual? How about when someone achieves something? How about when you do? Always give credit where due especially to yourself. Why is there widespread reluctance to acknowledge achievement/success/good work? It should be a …

Always give credit where due especially to yourself Read More »

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Move forward at your pace. There’s no right pace. Only forward.

As you start into a new day (applies to week/month etc too) I hope you’re focused and clear on your goals and have identified and committed to the required action steps. However do you feel pressure pushing forward? Anxiety even? Move forward at your pace. There’s no right pace. Only forward. Today’s world is so …

Move forward at your pace. There’s no right pace. Only forward. Read More »

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You must redefine success as happiness not wealth/status

Every day people chase “success”. However what does that word really mean? Most importantly what does that word actually mean to you!! You must redefine “success” as happiness not wealth/status. When did you last press the stop button and have a good chat with yourself about what success means to you ? Societal conditioning has …

You must redefine success as happiness not wealth/status Read More »

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Why do you let fear of judgement stop you doing what’s right for you?

Fear of judgement is a crippler. It destroys goals and dreams. It often destroys one’s chance of happiness. Why do you let fear of judgement stop you doing what’s right for you ?This is your life. Why don’t you live it on your terms? Why do you let the opinions and judgement of others influence …

Why do you let fear of judgement stop you doing what’s right for you? Read More »

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Simply commit to one positive forward daily step and you’ll succeed

Most people always over complicate things. Most put time, money and energy into search for magic bullet. Most hide behind excuses and play the blame game. It’s quite simple really. Simply commit to one positive forward daily step and you’ll succeed.If you’ve a clear destination and you’ve identified the key required steps for that journey …

Simply commit to one positive forward daily step and you’ll succeed Read More »