self confidence, self safety, heart

Possess self love and you won’t need external sources of gratification

How do you feel about yourself? Do you believe in yourself? Have confidence? High self esteem? Love yourself? When you truly possess self love you don’t need external sources of short term gratification. I cannot stress enough the importance of self love. When you love yourself not only does it feel liberating on many levels

Possess self love and you won’t need external sources of gratification Read More »

raise, challenge, landscape

Someone, somewhere out there experienced challenges and survived.. you will too!

As you head into a new day and a new week you may be facing challenges and experiencing a demanding stressful time. While it’s daunting someone somewhere now or at sometime experienced similar challenges. They survived and you will too. Many people have overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges and many have seen small challenges as mountains.

Someone, somewhere out there experienced challenges and survived.. you will too! Read More »

pizza, dough, baked

Vegan Dinner Ideas

“I am considering going vegan but I am a bit confused and unsure of what to have for my meals especially dinner. Can you give me some Vegan Dinner Ideas Would really appreciate it. Thanks. Sandra” Whether you are already vegan or are considering adopting a plant based lifestyle it is highly likely that you

Vegan Dinner Ideas Read More »