Have you ever taken time to clearly identify your strengths and weaknesses? Which normally get more of your focus? Which have others focused on more? You should double down on your strengths and work on your weaknesses. You are a unique individual with unique personality characteristics and unique skills and strengths. So doesn’t it make more sense to focus most of your energy on embracing these and maximising them? However, for the most part,there’s far too much emphasis in society, school system, work and sports on hammering on improving your weaknesses. You should always work on your weaknesses and improving them but don’t give them most of your energy. No one is perfect. We all have much to offer. You will have much greater impact on your life, those you care about and on the world if you maximise your strengths. That’s where your potential lies. I’m always working on my weaknesses but they’ll always be so. It’s in ever developing my strengths I make a difference.