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Live Each Precious Day Of Your Life In Fear Of Regret

When you were a child you regarded being in 30s as being so far away. When you were in 30s you regarded being 60 as so far away. Whatever age you are now how fast has the last decade felt? Time is so valuable but are you maximising it and living your best life? Live each precious day of your life in fear of regret. Regret is the only fear you should have in life. When you get to your final days you can’t turn back the clock. You can’t relive those years. Your personal life documentary is almost complete at this point. If life stopped right now how would yours look? Would you be proud of it? You have unlimited potential. You create your life experience every day in your decisions and actions. When you have such creative power why then do you let fear and other peoples opinions stop you taking steps to living your dreams? Stop you taking that “risk” to experience more happiness? Never let fear stop you let fear motivate you to take action.