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The Vibration That You Send Out Is The Vibration You’ll Receive

I want you to think about times or phases in your life when you felt happy and that everything was going the way you wanted. I now want you to think of opposite times when you felt negative emotions and energy and you felt nothing going right. The vibration you send out is the vibration you’ll receive.You are energy. We are all energy. The world is energy. This is why you’ve to be so mindful of your energy all the time as it determines the vibrational level you’re operating at and what you’re attracting. When you feel happy and mentally at peace you feel near invincible and everything appears possible and great things appear to keep happening. Positive emotional state leads to positive vibrations leads to attracting good.Now think of times you’re on a downer, upset, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed. Nothing seems to go right. It’s one damn thing after another. Don’t they even say it comes in threes!! This happens but it’s because of your vibration being given off and challenges will keep coming until you shift your vibration to higher level. Be conscious of your vibration. You’re human so it will be low as times as you are an emotional being but remember you control elevating it.