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Always Think Big And Set Goals That Scare You. It’s Just About Taking Consistent Action Then!

What does a happy life mean to you? Do you think big? Do you set goals that scare you? If you do great but if you don’t then you need to change your mindset or you’re guaranteeing a mediocre unfulfilling life. We should be ever evolving into best version of ourselves and most importantly taking action towards our version of happiness. Why do most people think small and play it safe? The answer is FEAR and societal conditioning to see any forward action steps as “risks”. This is crazy as the actual risk is playing it safe and risking missing out on the possibility of a better more fulfilling life. Setting big goals and taking action should excite you not put fear in you. So change your mindset around goals. Make sure you set goals that scare you as if they don’t they aren’t big enough. Aim high. Push your boundaries. Get way outside your comfort zone. When you do your life experience will be very different. I hope this has been helpful. Leave a comment below and let me know.