When you woke this morning where was your life? Was it where you wanted it to be? Were you on track in creating your life vision? Were you consistently creating your personal perception of happiness and success? If yes then cool but if no I bet, like always, your mind was full of excuses and you were actively playing the blame game. You are not where you are because of circumstances. You are where you are because of decisions. Please grasp this and own it. It’s often hard to own this reality – believe me I’ve struggled with this reality at times over the years. However when you own this it’s so liberating and you truly are in a position to live your best life. Every day you’re consciously and subconsciously making 100s/1000s decisions. Your actions and behaviours are the reflection of this. Every single one, regardless of how seemingly insignificant, has an impact. Has a domino effect. Leads to something. How you react to every situation leads to the next one. Think about it. Good times were result positive decisions/actions. Challenging times from some or a series poor decisions/actions. Live consciously. Own your decisions. Own your reality and create your future mindfully.