There are two certainties in life. One is that death will come to us all. We just don’t know when. Hence why I incessantly stress to live life fully. The other is that life won’t be a straight line so prepare positively for the inevitable challenges in the scribble called life. There are far too many who go through their life with an irrational illogical ideological expectation, or hope, that their life will go in a straight line and all will be rosy. This will NEVER be the case for anyone. Throughout your life journey you will inevitably encounter challenges. They are key in your growth and each will play a key role in how your journey unfolds and what you’ll experience in life. Be ready for them and prepare for them. Being prepared does not mean having a negative spin on life or a negative expectation of life. It’s about accepting reality and embracing it. Reframe how you see challenges like I’ve alluded to in previous paragraph. Work daily on strengthening your mindset which is your control tower. Prepare positively for challenges that may repeat or occur. When prepared there is less possibility of shock and/or emotionally crippling collapse . Only switching on of solution mode. Life is a scribble for all not a straight line.