Do you look on those you perceive as successful as having been lucky or that they got all the breaks in life? If yes then this mindset doesn’t serve you and is like poison in your mind. Success doesn’t happen by accident. Anything worth achieving takes work. You have the potential to be, do and experience whatever you want. We all have. But are you willing to put in the work? To be consistent? To be patient? To quickly go into solution mode when challenges and obstacles hit instead of excuse/blame/poor me mode? Success leaves clues and you should aim to learn from others success not belittle it.There’s a reason why so many don’t realise their dreams and it’s because they live their lives in excuse/blame/poor me land. They attribute luck to anyone else achieving success in their lives. This is such a weak mindset. It’s such poor justification for ones own failings in creating the life desired. It’s there for all of us but are you going to keep waiting for it to magically happen or go out there and make it happen? Success doesn’t happen by accident!